Are you nourishing your soul? This Women’s Day take some time out to think about what gives you peace. Do invest a few moments today with yourself to seek what fills your soul with life, what brings you joy and a deep sense of satisfaction? Work, family and several other responsibilities of life often takes precedence over us. However, nurturing yourself is not selfish- it’s essential to your survival and your well being. Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.
I have compiled a list of things that help me nourish my soul. I encourage you to use them as a springboard for nourishing yours.
1. Pursue a new hobby:
I am learning to play Sarod (a musical instrument). It immensely helps me to sooth my soul. It has an incredible power to fuel my creativity, passion and is completely a rejuvenating experience.
2. Read/Write:
If you want to awaken your soul or stir your emotions or enrich your mind, just enjoy reading variety of books. Writing has helped me to give a ‘voice’ to my thoughts/ideas and also to de-clutter. So ladies just find a way to hone your ‘voice.’
3. Commune with nature:
Appreciate the beauty around you. Stimulate your senses, feel alive, quiet the noise within and fill your soul with immense peace and tranquillity.
4. Develop a lifestyle of Continuous Learning:
The way we focus on our child’s education, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities, its high time that we invest in our own as well. So do have a learning plan in place and implement it in true spirit.
5. Art of doing nothing:
Once in a while it’s absolutely fine to do nothing. Too much of busy-ness and running around doesn’t really help. So master the art of doing nothing and feel relaxed!
Happy Women's Day!